Health Services - Source of Ongoing Health Care:

Beautiful Baby 2

All children need a Primary Care Provider to provide ongoing health care. If your child does not have a source of continuing healthcare, we will assist you in accessing resources. We can provide a list of doctors and obtain information about Medicaid services. A current physical examination from a licensed physician must be by the Texas Health Steps Medical Periodicity Schedule within 90 days of entering the program. Preschool, well-child check-ups performed within one year before the date of school entry are acceptable for enrollment purposes. Medicaid insurance covers one physical exam per year.

A physical exam should cover the following services:

  • Health history
  • Height and weight
  • Blood pressure
  • Immunizations
  • Vision and hearing screening 
  • Laboratory tests including a lead screening, hematocrit, or hemoglobin.

If your child had a lead screening at 12 and 24 months, please provide a copy of the latest lead results.

If your child did not have a lead screening done at 12 or 24 months, it is required to do so between 36 and 72 months (3-6 years old). Ask your doctor to send the results to PCI Head Start. The child only needs to have one lead screen performed, not one every year. For Infants and Toddlers Entering Early Head Start: At the time of enrollment for infants and toddlers, a physical examination including a lead screening is required that is closest to the child's current age per well-child schedule.

Your child may also need documentation of a TB screening done at age 12 months.

Current Dental Examination from licensed Dentist – Good oral health for infants, toddlers, and pre-school children is a precursor to adult oral health. It is essential for a child's behavioral, speech, language, and overall growth and development. Head Start requires that all children must have a dental home and receive a dental examination performed by a dentist within 90 days of entry into the program. The program will assist any parent in identifying a dental home or a local dentist that serves children and assists in any identified dental follow-up and treatment needs. The ongoing accessibility to dental care should occur, preferably every six months or a minimum annually from the date of the first examination. If a child is not up to date, the program will assist parents in making necessary arrangements to keep children up to date. A Head Start dental form should be completed by the dentist and returned to the program to verify services/treatment received.

Daily Health Observations:

A daily health check of each child is made upon arrival in the parent or caregiver's presence. To prevent the spread of infection, communication between teachers and parents about the child's health status is vital to identify any specific signs or symptoms of illness. Children with any symptoms of illness will not be allowed to remain in the center:

  • Temperature over 100 degrees
  • An unexplained rash
  • Vomiting (in the past 24 hours)
  • Diarrhea (in the past 24 hours)
  • Thick, green drainage from the nose
  • Discharge from the eyes
  • Lice 
  • A contagious disease (ex. Chickenpox)

Health/Emergency Information:

During the enrollment process, parents must complete and sign a "Pick-up Authorization & Emergency Contact/Information" form. This form is kept in the classroom and is accessible for the teacher in case of any emergency.

Note: Emergency Contact Information should always be up-to-date for notification to be made should children become ill.

Accident Reports:

Despite efforts to promote safety and injury prevention, should a child be involved in an accident or receive an injury, it is essential to communicate this to parents both verbally and in writing. An Incident/Illness report form will be completed and a copy given to the parent.

Medication Administration:

Whenever possible, arrangements should be made with the family and the child's physician to schedule medication administration during times when the child is most likely to be under parental supervision. When medication must be administered in the classroom, a "Special Consent for Administration of Medication" form must be completed before administering any medication in the center. All medication will be stored in a locked cabinet unless the physician prescribes other orders. Medication must be in the original container with the current date and directions for use from the physician.

Tooth Brushing:

Each classroom will have a supervised tooth brushing activity twice a day that models and teaches good dental hygiene. Toothbrushes are labeled with your child's full name to prevent any cross-contamination.

Health Services:

Because PCI believes that children must be healthy and at their best to learn, our program pays particular attention to our children and families' health. PCI's multi-disciplinary team of private and community professionals utilizes a unique approach to providing quality health services. PCI's Health Services include:

  • Physical and dental exams
  • Immunizations tracked and referrals provided when needed
  • Vision and hearing screenings
  • Behavioral screenings
  • Nutrition and growth assessments
  • Referrals, follow-up, and treatment provided for health issues identified through exams and screenings. Health and safety education provided by Health Specialists to staff, parents, and children